Mary Kay Cosmetics’ War On Marriage:
What Do Mary Kay Women Want In A Man?
Open your wallets. Turn off your brain. Shut your mouth.

Through its sales and recruitiing tactics, time after time, Mary Kay Cosmetics’ predatory sales force demonstrates its disdain for the husbands of the women they recruit.
To the Mary Kay predator, if a man isn’t supportive of the Pink Cult, he is a threat.
Whether it’s the Mary Kay Husband Unawareness Plan, the Mary Kay Husbands Oath, or the Mary Kay Husband Job Description, these Mary Kay-related documents show that, to Mary Kay Cosmetics, husbands are mere useful tools for Mary Kay.
Take this Mary Kay Husband’s Job Decription for example.
If this document were produced by XYC Widget Corporation for XYZ husbands to pass around and to share with their wives (as a XYZ Widget Corp. Wives’ Job Description) to “free up time for their [husbands] to do the tasks only they can do,” women’s rights groups everywhere would be outraged.
Yet, this is not the case with Mary Kay Cosmetics’ predators. In fact, not only do Mary Kay predators (like this one) proudly post the documents for everyone’s consumption, they fail to see the double standard.
To them, Mary Kay Husbands are a tool and have simple instructions: Open your wallets. Turn off your brain. Shut your mouth. Do Mary Kay’s bidding.
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