A Mary Kay Consultant Discovers The Toxicity Of The Mary Kay Way

First Name: Crystal
State: California
Experience With Mary Kay:
I started my Mary Kay business in Jan. of 2013. I signed up through someone because of the discount.
In the beginning, I really enjoyed our weekly meetings until I was belittled and pressured by my director for not meeting my goals (and not supporting hers).
I invested a lot into Mary Kay but didn’t have any prior experience with sales and like anyone had my own insecurities, so after a while I noticed it wasn’t as easy as people said it would be.
I felt like I was doing Mary Kay 24/7. My whole life became Mary Kay, and as much as I tried, it never seemed to be enough.
When I’d go to my meetings and share my struggles my director would compare me with others and would belittle me in front of everyone. I remember walking into my meetings discouraged and walking out, just devastated and embarrassed because I was the example of the one that failed.
As any Mary Kay consultant, I tried ALL the products and had been faithful to my skincare regimen using Timewise for 1 year and Timewise Repair for 2 years. I started to notice brown spots all over my face. I was told, use the spot reducer, now use this and oh add concealer, etc., so I did and it got worse.
After almost a year of that crap, I started to have doubts about the products and always wondered why Mary Kay was willing to allow everyone to start off making 50% and directors making more, but when I would ask those questions, I was accused of doubting and being negative. So, I wasn’t COMPLETELY SOLD OUT to their products which made it harder to sell because of my own personal experience.
In April of 2016 I watched a documentary which caught my attention due to a cancer scare. After watching this, I started researching my Mary Kay products!
At that time I didn’t know much about chemicals but after A LOT of research (including printing out EVERY SINGLE ingredient sheet from Mary Kay in Touch and googling the ingredients and dissecting the underlying definition of the ingredient) I was deeply disturbed to learn about all the toxic products I’d been exposing myself to. I knew there was no way I could continue to use Mary Kay, let alone sell it.
When I contacted Mary Kay Corporation the lady literally laughed at me when I asked her if the company had any intention of joining the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and that’s when the lightbulb went off. I was appalled and felt like everything I was taught was all LIES. Mary Kay is not empowering women, they’re exploiting them, consultants and customers, just to make a dollar!
Integrity means doing the right thing, at all times and in all circumstances so it has become a burning desire to educate people about safe cosmetics and expose companies that are deceiving!
But thank you Mary Kay for teaching me such a valuable lesson in life….
Note: With the exception of formatting and minor edits, the content, comments and opinions expressed in testimonials are from the original submission.
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