Mary Kay Cosmetics’ Tricks of the Trade: How to Stalk Women With ‘Warm Chatter’ & Deception
According to the company’s website, Mary Kay Cosmetics has 2.4 million people worldwide who are “Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants.” That is an astounding number of recruits for a company that does little advertising.
As 99% of people lose money in Multi-Level-Marketing companies, with the odds stacked against them, one must wonder: How do so many people get lured into the Pink Fog of Mary Kay?
Among the many predatory tactics used by Mary Kay and its sales force is the practice of “Warm Chatter.”

“Warm Chatter” is the pushy practice of walking up to perfect strangers as a means of getting leads.
According to one definition, Warm Chatter is:
An informal way for a Consultant to develop rapport by engaging in a casual conversation with a stranger, hoping to turn them into a customer.
Using a multitude of different scripts, the sum of Mary Kay “warm chattering” is to feign interest in the targeted woman in order to strike up a conversation and either give her a business card, or to get her to give the Mary Kay stalker her personal information.
In the video below, Mary Kay Sales Director Cindy Keske demonstrates to an eager class how she uses different, as well as deceptive, tricks to approach her targets in shoe departments, grocery stores, as well as at her local car dealership.
In this Warm Chatter training document, the Mary Kay consultant is urged to lure women in by stating she is on a “human scavenger hunt,” or asking them to model–even targeting women who wear bright colors.
Mary Kay Warm Chatter Training Script by MaryKayVictims
This Warm Chatter script used by a Mary Kay sales director discusses where she finds her targets:
I typically warm chat when I’m running my daily errands, so this could be your cashier, someone you are standing inline with at a store, your teller etc… I also honor working women where I will walk in to stores or medical offices and honor the women working by entering them into a drawing and giving them a goodie bag or some candy like mints or twizzlers. They love that. I also do restaurant customer appreciation promotions.
Mary Kay Warm Chatter Script – Christina Kregar
This Warm Chatter training document makes it clear that women with “wrinkles and resources” are the prime targets. Once they’ve been identified by the Mary Kay predator, no one is safe from being warm chatted:
Look for women in our target market: women with wrinkles & resources! Look for sharp dressed women, women wearing makeup, moms, friendly people, or thank people who have helped you (waitresses with wedding rings, store clerks, professional service providers, etc). [Emphasis added.]
Mary Kay Warm Chatter Training 2
As noted above, as intrusive as it is, the Warm Chatter method of luring women into Mary Kay Cosmetics is but one of many other predatory tactics used by Mary Kay Cosmetics’ sales force.
Moreover, it is clear from the tactics contained within the scripts, as well as demonstrated in the video above, that maintaining honesty and integrity are not in the Warm Chatter instructions.
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