A Mary Kay Pink Predator Pushed This Woman Into $3000 Debt

State: Idaho
Experience With Mary Kay:
I cant believe I was duped by the delusional pink fog that is Mary Kay. I bought $3000 worth of inventory and my recruiter promised there would be a way, if I didn’t sell all my inventory I would be able to get my money back for my loan from my taxes. I am currently at a loss for what to do. I went through a scam during this time and now am $3000 in debt from loan and credit cards. What sucks is I need help trying to figure out what to do with the loan aspect. I sold all my stuff on ebay for about the same amount i would have gotten from Mary Kay. HELP!!!!
The recruiter was pushy, my husband is a sweetheart and felt I could do it, but overtime he saw how miserable I was. My recruiter keeps trying to woo me back. I never had any parties…my friends hated me…and I lost a sense of myself.
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